Doris Cellar is a member of the band Freelance Whales as well as an accomplished solo musician. One very lovely lady.
1. When you're playing on stage, what's going through your head?
When I'm playing with my band and it's going smooth I can imagine its a lot like meditating. My thought process kind of just becomes one with my body and I don't really think I just do, things just are and time almost feels as if it has slowed down in a weird way. On the other hand if we play a show and it isnt going so great, for example if one of us trips over our cables or if I slam my teeth on the mic, or when feedback takes over the stage, I go into a panic and all of a sudden it's opposite. The hour passes by so quickly I almost can't remember what just happened because there were a million thoughts running through my head.
2. How would you describe each of your delightful band mates separately?
Oh man I don't know if I can do that really! How can words do any one person justice? I'm a huge believer that people constantly evolve especially at our age! If I can say one thing is for certain they all collectively are great amazing people and are some of are some my best friends.
3. What do you do when you're stressed?
When I'm stressed I cry. I hate being stressed but after the initial feeling goes away, when I realize there's no need to let it take over because there are so many simple pleasures in life that are far more important I breathe and smile. Even if it takes everything out of me, and I don't really want to, I know that the act of smiling will help me get to that better place soon enough and all of a sudden it becomes sincere, purposeful, contagious calm and healing.
4. I know its not on the 'To Do' list at the moment, but would you like to tour in Australia?
Yea we really want to! We've never been there so I don't know how well
we would do but im sure if we go it will be some time next year for our new record.
5. If you weren't a Whale, what would you like to be?
A penguin
6. Tell about your fan experiences?
The majority of my fan experiences have been after a show or at a meet and greet. I've never been stopped on the street or out at a bar so it always flatters me when people freak out. Everyone's always super excited to meet the band and show their love. touch with most of them via email, facebook and twitter and it's almost as if we've met sometime in our past lives because I'm not afraid of them. I can't explain the connection I feel towards my fans but I love them very much as if they are my friends not fans. When they reach out about a problem they are having, I get sad and try and offer some words of advice or a send them a youtube or song to cheer them up. But when they are happy I get happy and that's my most favorite experience with "fans."
7. You could organise the ultimate dinner party and you could invite anybody (dead/alive/fictional), who would they be?
Since you didnt give me a limit It would be more like a cafeteria
party and it would be at an all you can eat buffet. Going off on a whim I'm inviting Danny devito, Amanda Palmer Michelle willliams, James Blake, Kanye west , Aretha franklin, Tina turner, diana ross, bill Murray, jonah hill, Seth rogen, Steven Colbert, john stuart, Margaret cho, Louis c.k, lady gaga, steve martin, sia furler, natasha khan, Gandhi, mother Theresa, Tom hanks, oprah winfrey, and Elkhart tolle, Meryl Streep, Ella Fitzgerald, Sid and Nancy, and gabriel garcia marquez and michael jackson when he was a kid.
8. What song do you enjoy playing the most?
The one that everyone's dancing to!
9. Any amusing Whale stories you feel you should expose your fans too? (We would have no objections )
Once upon a time on a hot summers night at hotel congress in Tuscan Arizona Chuck and I stayed in room 423, the room right next door to the "suicide room" which according to legend is haunted. It was very creepy and I was so vibed out by the strange dripping noises that I couldn't fall asleep. Tossing and turning I look over to my left and Chuck is getting out of bed and starts to open the door into the hallway. As I call out to him "Chuck? Are you okay!? Chuck what's going on?" he just starts walking out of our room. Not affected by the bright lights of the hallway he just keeps walking. I was so scared but I got enough courage to run out and grab him. Turns out it was his first time sleep walking and I saved him from the ghost. I was officially petrified and I stayed up the whole night shaking under the sheets staring out the window preying for the sun to rise as soon as possible.
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